Built Area


The main idea of the project is to preserve the historical and archaeological character of the area by adding new 'ruins'. These new 'ruins' are built in an integrated and compact way to include the main functions. Located parallel to the shoreline, this trace forms the main spine of the project. The function bands located perpendicular to this linear trace contain secondary functions that have almost disappeared in terms of particle, height and volume, and support the backbone with their functions. The functions in these bands (retail, food and beverage, info point, open air workshops, multifunctional units etc...) are made easier to perceive with their primary forms. The general organization of the project is solved in 5x5m grid systems, enabling users to understand the space simply. The linear trace that forms the backbone of the project shows itself in 3 places. It starts with the '5-star Hotel', which is described as the main entrance of the project, continues with the 'Institute' where the old military walls are located, and ends with the '4-star Rural Hotel', which almost rises in the east of the area. In this way, the axis is detached from the ground and transformed into a promenade. Unlike corridors placed on a grid system, this promenade complements the project units with a landscape corridor that surrounds the site from the outside.